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Your Guide to Launching an eCommerce Site in 2024: It’s Easier Than You Think (Part 1)

Updated: Jun 28

By Cal Singh · February 15, 2024

A guide to launch eCommerce in 2024 title

Forget the confusion of “how do I start an eCommerce business?” – 2024 is your year to shine online.

The digital commerce boom is showing no signs of slowing down, and this comprehensive guide equips you with the keys to unlock its potential.

Whether you’re a seasoned brick-and-mortar retailer eyeing expansion through Magento eCommerce or a budding entrepreneur seeking the best eCommerce sites to inspire your journey, we’ve got you covered.

Dive deep into the top eCommerce platforms, explore essential strategies for launching your online empire, and discover how eCommerce classes can supercharge your success.

It’s time to stop wondering and start thriving – let’s navigate the exciting world of eCommerce together!

Table of contents

Starting Your Online Shop: Easy Tips to Get Going

Ready to start your online business? Keep it simple and follow these steps:

  1. Make a Plan: Know your market and what makes your shop special. Aim to give your customers a great shopping experience, from the moment they see your products to when they open their package.

  2. Manage Your Inventory: Start with a few items to keep things easy. Use great photos to show off your products and make sure your website works well on phones too.

  3. Legal Stuff: Things like getting a business license and opening a bank account might sound big, but they can usually be done later, after you’ve sold a few items to friends or through your social media.

  4. Just Start: The best business ideas are the ones that solve a problem you care about. Remember, it’s okay to change your mind if things aren’t working out. What’s important is to learn as you go.

  5. Don’t Overthink: It’s better to start simple and improve over time than to wait for everything to be perfect.

  6. Know Your Audience: Make sure there are enough people interested in what you’re selling. It helps if you’ve faced the problem your product solves, making your marketing and offers stronger.

  7. Your Offer: Having a clear, strong offer is key. If you’re not sure how to do this, Alex Hormozi’s book, “$100M Offers,” is a great guide.

$100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No Book Amazon Page

What Makes a Great eCommerce Site?

The secret to a fantastic e-commerce site? It’s all about combining great design with functionality.

Your site should guarantee safe transactions, saving you the hassle and expense of heavy-duty security measures. Your site should be safe for shoppers, easy to navigate, and packed with useful features like subscription options and analytics.

Set up your eCommerce Website

Diving into eCommerce might sound daunting, but it’s surprisingly straightforward.

Imagine picking out the name for your online store, setting up the look and feel, and sorting your products into neat categories. It’s like organizing your digital storefront where everything has its place, making sure buying from you is a breeze and keeping everything secure.

The thought of starting an online shop can seem overwhelming, right? But really, it’s as simple as setting up a lemonade stand.

A lemonade stand

You pick a name, sign up, and before you know it, you’re adding your first product and telling the world about yourself on your “About Us” page.

The technical side of things might seem like a giant puzzle, but in reality, successful online stores thrive because they keep things user-friendly. There’s a common fear that tech and setting up a website is too complex, causing many to stall before they even start.

But here’s the truth: stepping into the world of eCommerce is more about courage than tech savviness.

Taking that first leap is the biggest step. The world of online selling isn’t just for tech whizzes; it’s for anyone with a dream and a bit of daring.

So, if you’ve been waiting for a sign to start, this is it. Launching your eCommerce site isn’t just doable; it’s your next great adventure.

Let’s make it happen!

How much does it cost to start an e-commerce business?

Starting an eCommerce business is an exciting venture, but it’s essential to understand the financial commitments involved.

The cost can vary widely depending on several factors, including the complexity of your website, the products you intend to sell online, and how much of the work you plan to do yourself versus outsource.

Here’s a breakdown to give you a clearer picture of the potential costs:

Website Development and Hosting:

DIY Platforms: Using platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce can start as low as $29 per month for basic plans. These platforms are user-friendly and offer a range of templates to get you started.

Custom Development: If you opt for a custom-designed website, costs can significantly increase, ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 or more, depending on the complexity of your design and functionality.

Hosting: If not included with your platform, web hosting can cost anywhere from $5 to $100 per month, based on traffic expectations and server requirements.

Domain Name:

Purchasing a domain name typically costs around $10 to $20 per year, a relatively small but essential expense for establishing your brand’s online presence.

Tiger Fire uses Namecheap for all our domain needs. homepage


The cost of inventory varies widely depending on the type and quantity of products you plan to sell. Dropshipping can reduce upfront costs, as you won’t need to hold any inventory yourself.

However, purchasing inventory upfront could run from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

Marketing and Advertising:

Initial marketing efforts, including social media advertising, email marketing, and SEO, can start from a few hundred dollars a month.

The exact amount will depend on your strategy and the competitiveness of your niche.

If your just starting out Upwork and Fiverr have cost-effective options available to make your first attempts! home page

Payment Processing:

Payment processors typically charge a per-transaction fee, which can range from 2.9% + 30¢ to higher, depending on the provider and your sales volume.

Our Suggestion:

Legal and Administrative Costs:

Incorporating your business, obtaining necessary licenses, and other legal fees can vary by location but expect to set aside $500 to $2,000 for these initial legal setups.

Additional Tools and Services:

Email marketing services, SEO tools, customer service software, and other e-commerce tools can add to your monthly expenses.

Depending on the services, you might spend an additional $50 to $300 per month.

Packaging and Shipping:

If handling fulfillment in-house, you’ll need to consider the cost of packaging materials and shipping as well as time away from developing your marketing and sales that drive the business growth.

Costs will vary based on the size and weight of your products and the shipping destinations.

Partnering with a 3PL provider such as TigerFire can streamline this process but will also add to your operating costs. home page

Design and Branding:

Professional branding, including logo design, product photography, and other design work, can range from $500 to $5,000 or more, depending on the extent of the services.

A realistic starting budget can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, heavily influenced by your business model and how much you’re willing to do yourself versus outsourcing.

Planning your budget carefully and considering all potential costs will set the foundation for a successful eCommerce venture.

The 6 best eCommerce website builders

I researched and tested numerous eCommerce platforms delving into various niches and functionalities of best eCommerce websites.

The result of this examination is a curated list of the six best e-commerce platforms that stand out for their exceptional offerings.

This guide compares six leading eCommerce platforms in 2024, offering a detailed look into Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Magento (Adobe Commerce), Wix, and Squarespace, to help you make an informed decision.

Several platforms lead the charge in eCommerce excellence:

  1. Shopify: Best for all-around flexibility and scalability.

  2. BigCommerce: Ideal for large-scale online stores.

  3. WooCommerce: Perfect for those already familiar with WordPress.

  4. Magento: Suited for enterprise-level businesses with a need for customization.

  5. Wix: Offers creative control with a user-friendly interface.

  6. Squarespace: Excellent for beautifully designed storefronts.

Detailed Reviews: Home Page

  • Ease of Use: Shopify’s intuitive interface makes it simple for businesses of all sizes to set up and manage their online stores, with no coding required.

  • Scalability: It offers robust scalability options, supporting businesses as they grow with minimal performance issues.

  • Ecosystem: A rich ecosystem of apps and themes allows for extensive customization and functionality enhancements.

  • Pricing: Plans start at $29/month, offering a good balance between cost and features. home page

  • Focus on Growth: Tailored for growth-oriented merchants, BigCommerce provides advanced features out of the box.

  • Customization: While it offers significant customization options, it maintains ease of use without the need for custom coding.

  • Scalability: Designed to support large-scale businesses efficiently.

  • Pricing: Similar to Shopify, with plans starting around $29.95/month. home page

  • Flexibility: Being a WordPress plugin, it offers unparalleled flexibility and access to the vast WordPress ecosystem.

  • Customization: Suitable for those comfortable with a bit more technical involvement, offering deep customization.

  • Cost: The plugin is free, but hosting and additional features can add to the cost.

  • Best for: Businesses already using or familiar with WordPress. home page

  • Enterprise Solution: Offers powerful features for enterprise-level online stores, including extensive customization and scalability.

  • Technical: Best suited for businesses with access to developer resources.

  • Pricing: Adobe Commerce’s pricing can be high, typically requiring a custom quote.

Wix: home page

  • Design First: Focuses on design flexibility, offering beautiful templates and an easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor.

  • Small to Medium Stores: Ideal for smaller e-commerce ventures that prioritize visual appeal.

  • Pricing: Starts at a lower price point, making it accessible for small businesses. home page

  • Simplicity and Style: Known for its sleek templates and intuitive design tools, it’s perfect for creatives and small businesses.

  • Ease of Use: Very user-friendly, with a focus on design and simplicity over complex features.

  • Pricing: Offers competitive pricing for businesses focusing on design and simplicity.

Choosing the right eCommerce platform depends on your business needs, technical expertise, growth aspirations, and budget.

Each platform has its strengths.

Whether it’s the scalability and ecosystem of Shopify and BigCommerce, the flexibility of WooCommerce, the enterprise-level power of Magento, or the design-centric approach of Wix and Squarespace.

Consider your priorities carefully to select the best platform for your online store in 2024.

Designing Your Digital Storefront

In the world of online shopping, how your website looks is super important. It’s the first thing people see, and it can really make them want to buy from you. Think of your website like your shop window: if it looks good, people will want to come in.

You want a website that looks great and is easy to use, showing off what makes your brand special and connecting with the people you want to reach.

What matters most is that it’s inviting and makes people want to shop. Remember, lots of successful online shops started with the basics and got better over time.

The key is to just start. If you spend too much time waiting to make everything perfect, you might miss out on the fun of running your own online store.

It’s all about improving as you go, learning from what works and what doesn’t, and making your online shop a place where people love to buy.

A infographic about the design process for eCommerce

Source or Develop your Products

Developing Your Own Products:

Developing your own products is ideal for entrepreneurs who have a unique product idea or want to offer something distinct in the market.

This option allows for complete control over the product’s quality, design, and branding.

However, it requires a significant investment in product development, including research, prototyping, and testing. Additionally, you’ll need to manage manufacturing, either by setting up your own production line or partnering with a manufacturer.

While this approach can lead to higher profit margins and a strong brand identity, it also carries higher risks and initial costs.

Key considerations for product development include:

  1. Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to validate your product idea and ensure there’s a demand.

  2. Prototyping and Testing: Develop prototypes and conduct testing to refine your product before mass production.

  3. Manufacturing: Decide whether to manufacture in-house or partner with external manufacturers. Consider factors like cost, quality control, and scalability.

Sourcing Products:

Sourcing products involves finding manufacturers or suppliers who can provide you with products to sell under your brand.

This method is less time-consuming than product development and can be a quicker route to market.

When sourcing products, you can opt for wholesale purchasing, where you buy products in bulk and manage inventory, or you can use dropshipping, where products are shipped directly from the supplier to the customer.

A popular option worth looking into is AliExpress.

Key considerations for sourcing products include:

  1. Supplier Selection: Look for reliable suppliers with high-quality products and favorable terms. Consider factors like production capacity, delivery times, and minimum order quantities.

  2. Quality Control: Implement quality control measures to ensure the products meet your standards and customer expectations.

  3. Branding: Work with suppliers who allow product customization to include your branding, enhancing brand recognition.


Dropshipping is a popular option for entrepreneurs who prefer not to handle inventory and fulfillment.

In this model, you partner with suppliers who ship products directly to customers on your behalf. Dropshipping offers the advantage of low upfront costs and ease of scaling, but it also means you have less control over product quality and shipping times.

Key considerations for dropshipping include:

  1. Supplier Reliability: Choose suppliers with a reputation for reliability and quality. Your brand’s reputation will depend on the quality of products and the efficiency of shipping.

  2. Profit Margins: Understand the cost structure, including supplier prices and shipping costs, to ensure healthy profit margins.

  3. Market Differentiation: Since dropshipping products are often widely available, find ways to differentiate your offerings through unique branding, customer service, or curated product selections.

An infographic about how dropshipping works

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