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  • Writer's pictureCherryl Anne Cruz

Raising Funds With Top Crowdfunding Platforms (Part 2)

Updated: 2 days ago

An office team meeting about crowdfunding

Table of Contents

How to Choose the WRONG Platform for Your Crowdfunding Project

While crowdfunding offers tremendous potential, several common pitfalls can derail a campaign. Here are some key mistakes to avoid:

Choosing the Wrong Platform

Selecting the right platform is crucial for your campaign's success. Each platform caters to different projects and audiences.

Platforms like GoFundMe and HoneyFund are ideal for personal fundraising. For business or creative projects, Indiegogo or Kickstarter might be more suitable. It's important to research the top crowdfunding sites to understand their reputation, success rates, and specific features.

Real estate crowdfunding platforms like RealtyMogul offer opportunities for both accredited and non-accredited investors to pool their resources and participate in residential and commercial real estate projects.

Understanding each crowdfunding site's strengths and target audiences can help you choose the one that best aligns with your project's goals.

Ignoring Platform Fees and Costs 

Crowdfunding platforms charge fees for their services. For instance, IgnitionDeck reported that Kickstarter charges a 5% fee on funds raised, plus payment processing fees ranging from 3% to 5%.

Similarly, Indiegogo charges a 5% platform fee and a 3% processing fee for successful campaigns. These fees can add up, so it's important to factor them into your fundraising goal to ensure you have enough funds to cover your project's costs and fees.

Overlooking Marketing Strategies 

Effective marketing is essential for a successful crowdfunding campaign. Use a combination of social media, email marketing, and PR strategies to reach your target audience. Platforms like Indiegogo and Kickstarter offer promotional tools such as email newsletters, social media integration, and marketing features to maximize your campaign's reach.

Neglecting Platform Compatibility

Ensuring compatibility with your existing marketing tools is essential for a seamless campaign. Choose a crowdfunding site that integrates well with your current systems and offers a user-friendly experience for both you and your backers. This will streamline your campaign management and enhance backer engagement.

Overlooking Regional Availability

Some platforms have regional limitations. Ensure your chosen platform supports your target audience's location to avoid complications. Understanding regional availability can help you reach a broader audience and maximize your campaign's potential.

Ignoring Platform Familiarity

Using a crowdfunding site that your target market is familiar with can enhance trust and ease of use. Backers are likelier to support a campaign on a platform they recognize and trust. Familiarity with the platform's features and user experience can also improve your campaign's efficiency.

How TigerFireShip Can Help You Raise Money

TigerFireShip team meeting

Launching a successful crowdfunding campaign involves more than just raising money; it also requires effective logistics management to ensure the timely delivery of rewards. Using an online fundraising platform can help companies raise capital from accredited investors, customers, and friends, but logistics play a crucial role in the overall success.

TigerFireShip  offers comprehensive logistics solutions to ensure efficient, seamless, cost-effective fulfillment for your crowdfunding campaign. Here's how TigerFireShip can help you achieve success:

Efficient Order Fulfillment

Fulfillment team discussion in warehouse

TigerFireShip automates the order fulfillment process, ensuring quick and reliable delivery of rewards to your backers. Their streamlined approach minimizes delays and enhances backer satisfaction.

Seamless Integration

Women on phone and laptop simultaneously

TigerFireShip integrates smoothly with major eCommerce platforms, making managing your inventory and warehouse orders easy. Their system is designed to support your campaign's growth and scalability.

Cost-Effective Shipping

cost. effective logistic solutions of all kind

TigerFireShip optimizes resources to balance budget and timeline, offering reliable international shipping and secure packaging. Their expertise in logistics ensures that your rewards reach backers in excellent condition, regardless of location.

Custom Solutions

office team analyzing business stats

TigerFireShip provides tailored solutions to meet your campaign's unique needs. Whether you're shipping small items or large, complex products, their team can develop a customized strategy to ensure efficient delivery.

Expert Support

Smiling customer support staff on call

TigerFireShip's logistics experts team is available to support and guide your campaign. From planning to execution, their knowledge and experience can help you navigate the complexities of fulfillment and logistics.


Crowdfunding sites have provided creators, entrepreneurs, and innovators new opportunities to raise money and realize their ideas.

By harnessing community support, individuals can overcome financial limitations and connect with like-minded individuals. Launching a successful campaign requires understanding crowdfunding sites, avoiding mistakes, and implementing effective logistics.

TigerFireShip's comprehensive logistics services can play a huge role in ensuring your campaign's success. With efficient order fulfillment, seamless integration, cost-effective shipping, and expert support, TigerFireShip helps you deliver on your promises and maintain backer satisfaction.

By choosing the right platform and logistics partner, you can turn your vision into reality and create a lasting impact on your community and the world.

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